Every alert is unique and should be addressed accordingly. For life-threatening emergencies, always call 9-1-1.
If you need support or resources for a particular topic, we have compiled a list of links below.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1 (800) 273 8255
- "Talking To Your Kids About Suicide"
- Responding to Students At Risk
- Preventing Youth Suicide: Tips for Parents and Educators
- Responding to a Students’ Depression
- How to Help Your Depressed Teenager
- How Teachers Can Help Students with Mental Health Struggles
- Manage Depression and Take Care of Yourself
- What To Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied
- What To Do When Your Child Cyberbullies Others
- STOM POUT Bullying Helpchat Line
- Why Do Kids Bully
Eating Disorders
- Warning Signs and Symptoms of Eating Disorders
- ANAD Eating Disorder Helpline
- Helping Someone with an Eating Disorder