How do I set up rules in the SecurlyHome app?


The Securly Home App allows you to set up your own rules for your kid’s school devices. However, it is important to note that your ability to customize policy depends upon the level of access provided by your school. To learn more about the different types of access levels that schools can provide parents, click here.  

To manage your kid’s filtering policy:

  1. Go to your Securly Home App and navigate to ‘Rules’.
  2. Select the user for which you want to define policy.
  3. Now you can do three things:
    • Select categories you want to allow by selecting Categories and toggling the switch for each of the categories listed there. It is recommended that you do not unblock categories such as pornography, drugs, gambling, etc.                                 
    • Add websites to allow or block lists by selecting the Allow/Block list. homerulesnew1.jpg
    • Tap Search & Videos to define safe search, YouTube rules, and keyword scanning. homerulesnew3.jpg


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